Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Project Stage - 1

This blog will be all about the Stage 1 for the final project for this course. I was both excited and nervous to work on the project since I had not worked on anything like this before which brought excitement and also I was worried about what I should choose and what kind of challenges I would face doing so.
The instructions I had in mind that was given by the professor were that we need to pick something that is not too basic, in other words it had to be resource intensive. There were few options for the programming languages that had to chosen from, since we could not choose Java or web scripts, C and C++ were the only languages I was left with as I did not have experience working with any other languages.

1. Find an open source software package that includes a CPU-intensive function or method that is implemented in a language that compiles to machine code (such as C, C++, or Assembler). This could be hash function, compression, a codec, or any other compute-intensive task, and may be in an application or a library.

I started by working on a project called Soundtouch (https://github.com/rspeyer/soundtouch) which was used for changing pitch, tempo and playback rate. I started building the software by issuing commands and installing binaries bootstrap and configure, but failed in doing so as I soon figured out after getting help from the professor that the software was broken in the last few builds. I was also informed that no tests were included within the module, so I felt it would be really problematic to work on something that would need so much work on just the benchmarks.
There were a lot of of different fields of software I could choose from but I was a bit more interested in working on compression software. After studying and researching some of the different software packages, I finally chose a compression software from Google called Snappy (https://github.com/google/snappy).
It is a compression, decompression software which does not aim for maximum compression but for higher speeds and a reasonable amount of compression.

2. Build the software.

I took the following steps (commands) to retrieve and build the software:

1. git clone https://github.com/google/snappy.git
pulls the repository from the github into your own machine.

2. cd snappy && mkdir build
changes the directory to snappy pulled from the github and makes new directory called build within that directory.

3. cd build
change directory to build

4. cmake ../ && make
builds the library. Successful make means the library has been successfully build.

3. Next we had to find a test case that would help us benchmark the software with minimal variations.

Fortunately for me, I had got a unit case in the repository that helped me run tests on the package. The unit test named snappy_unittest was used to test the software and benchmark it.

4. Benchmark results

Benchmarks were supposed to be done with real run time being of a significant value so that the small changes done after optimization would reflect as significant as well and the variations in different iterations are averaged out. I used the same unit test to be run on both AArch64(AArchie) and x86_64(xerxes) for 5 times each and the results are reflected below:

The values are in seconds as I thought it was more precise to do so.

x86_64: The average value ranged between 64.21 and 64.66 seconds and had a variation of about 0.60% which is a fairly small value.

AArch64: The average value ranged between 401.51 and 403.67 seconds with a variation of about 0.53% which again was fairly small.

The difference in times for x86_64 and AArch 64 were almost around 84% and it was understood as x86_64 is much more powerful compared to AArch64

Compiler optimizations:
Since I am using cmake to build the software and I did not have much experience doing so and also the demos given by the professor were on configure and not cmake, I had a hard time figuring out how to do compiler optimizations on this. But with the help from professor and reading documentations, I am sure I will be able to do so and I will be giving an update about it on the next post.

Overall, I would say this is one of the another challenges in this course. Though it has brought a lot of unpredictability based on how new this thing is to me and also the optimizations we would be doing on this software, but I hope I'll be able to overcome this last challenge this course has to offer and I would much more comfortable working with different assemblers.

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