.globl _start
min = 0 /* starting value for the loop index; note that this is a symbol (constant), not a variable */
max = 30 /* loop exits when the index hits this number (loop condition is i<max) */
mov x19, min
mov x0, 1 /* file descriptor: 1 is stdout */
adr x1, msg /* message location (memory address) */
mov x2, len /* message length (bytes) */
mov x22, #10 /* store 10 in x22 */
udiv x20, x19, x22 /* div x19 (raw increment) by x22 (10) store it in x20 */
msub x5, x20, x22, x19 /* store at x5 the remainder */
add x4, x5, 0x30 /* store (temp) the index (x19) plus the offset for the ascii numbers */
add x5, x20, 0x30 /* store (temp) the 10s (x20) plus the offset for the ascii numbers */
cmp x20, 0
b.eq back
strb w5, [x1, 5] /* write the 10s value*/
strb w4, [x1, 6] /* store address x4 at x1 (beginning of msg) + 5 */
mov x8, 64 /* write is syscall #64 */
svc 0 /* invoke syscall */
add x19, x19, 1 /* add 1 to x19 */
cmp x19, max /* compare x19 to the max */
b.ne loop /* if not equal to max, branch back to loop */
mov x0, 0 /* status -> 0 */
mov x8, 93 /* exit is syscall #93 */
svc 0 /* invoke syscall */
msg: .ascii "Loop \n"
len= . - msg
Now I will first start with how we got 0-9 iterations printed which we did by placing the iterator's value + x30 (i.e. number + hex 30 which would display the character as in ASCII table) inside a register and moving that register's value into address: msg + the position in msg where we want to display that number. i.e. if msg + 6 because LOOP (4 digits) + space (1 digit) + 1 (place to be stored at). But now the problem was when the iterator reached 10 it printed next character after 9 in ASCII table which was not 10 and since we didn't have double digits to display in ASCII we had to split the numbers to display double digit values. So we took the double digit number got its 10's place (divide by 10) added x30 and stored its value in a register and got 1's place by getting its remainder and stored it in the same way. We used udiv and msub to get the quotient and remainder of the division respectively, which can be found here:
Now as we had both the digits we needed we just needed to place them in adjacent places after the word loop which we did in a similar way we had placed digits after LOOP earlier. The last challenge we had was that we had to print singles digit till 9 and double digits afterwards but we had all iterations in double digits so we made use of the subroutine to skip printing 10's digit if our ten's digit was equal to 0. And in this way we were able to accomplish what was required for this lab.
Overall I found this lab very interesting as it involved alot of Maths and also had some significant logic to think about. I feel I now had even stronger grip over the assembly language.
This week's lecture was strictly based on instructions about our upcoming project and its different stages. We were given a lot of instructions on how and what sort of project we should be looking to choose based on it being resource intensive and what we wanted to optimize out of CPU, RAM and energy. Then we had to build and benchmark our chosen package by the following steps:
1. Obtain code
2. Install dependencies
3. Build
4. Get or generate some data
5. Build command
6. Run + time it
and in this way we can compare our code's performance and improvements after we work on it.
With the end of semester approaching I am both excited and nervous at the same time to work on the project and am looking forward to explore some good optimization and other helpful techniques.
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