Moving on we were introduced to 1970's processor which was 6502. Here is a introduction about the same if you guys are interested:
We were then taught that the processor was divided into different sections, first 0-100 for storing the variables, 100-200 was the stack, 200-600 was the bitmapped display. There are 3 registers on this processor that we can work with which were A, X and Y.
Then we were shown the emulator for 6502 ( that were dealing with in the first few weeks of this course. Here is the first program we were shown for this course:
lda #$00 ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200 sta $40 lda #$02 sta $41 lda #$07 ; colour ldy #$00 ; set index to 0 loop: sta ($40),y ; set pixel iny ; increment index bne loop ; continue until done the page inc $41 ; increment the page ldx $41 ; get the page cpx #$06 ; compare with 6 bne loop ; continue until done all pages
This code fills the bitmapped display with the color yellow.
Starting from the top, the lda instruction loads the accumulator with number 00 (Note: starting with $ is a hexa decimal address and starting with # is just a hexa decimal number). the second instruction sta stores that instruction at address 40, which is repeated on next two instructions, putting 02 at adjacent address 41. This combination acts as a pointer thus pointing to 0200 (aligned little endian) which is the start of the display.
After this, the instruction lda loads the accumulator with number 07 which is for the color yellow. and ldy sets the index at 0 at Y register. The loop starts with storing yellow color as loaded earlier at address 40 + y and sets first pixel in the display's color to yellow. iny then increments the index at y register and increments it by 1 and this loop keeps going until Y reaches number FF as it can range from 00 to FF and once it hits that it returns to be 00 and exits the loop. Since this also marks ends of first page it is now essential to increment page so we can fill in next page and so on until it reaches 06 which marks last page. Instruction inc $41 which hold 02, increments it by 1, making it 03 and reaches the next page. We then create a check to stop incrementing pages as we hit the last one, so ldx $41 pulls which page we are on and sort of remembers it. cpx #$06 checks if the last remembered result is number 06, if so it exits the program, otherwise keeps branching it to loop created earlier to fill in individual pages. And in this way whole of the display is filled with yellow color.
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